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TradingIQ Performance Track Record

100% Transparency – Real Results from TradingIQ's CEO

At TradingIQ, we believe in complete transparency. This page provides exclusive insights into the real results of our CEO, Christoph’s portfolio, tracked with 100% visibility. Christoph uses only TradingIQ indicators, demonstrating their long-term profitability and reliability. In a market filled with empty promises, we’re committed to showcasing verified success backed by real data.


See the TradingIQ Track Record

Explore how our indicators perform in live markets with complete visibility into results. Our goal isn’t just to prove effectiveness but to outperform standard benchmarks like the S&P 500 consistently—100% verifiable with real results from our CEO.


Our Promise: 100% Transparency

We offer full visibility into Christoph’s trading performance using TradingIQ indicators. In a market full of misleading claims, we prioritize honesty and results you can verify yourself.


Direct Market Comparison

Our performance is compared directly against benchmark indices like the S&P 500 and Dow Jones. The consistent results from Christoph’s portfolio prove that our strategies can outperform traditional markets over the long term using smart, data-driven tools.

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To prove the effectiveness of TradingIQ indicators across different strategies, we showcase two transparent track records: an aggressive portfolio for faster growth with higher risk and a conservative portfolio focused on steady, long-term returns. Both demonstrate how our tools can consistently outperform the market, no matter the trading style.